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MIS family picture.

MIS group picture.

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(download | view picture)
MIS34x group picture.


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MIS340 with EP interface.

(download | view picture)
(download | view picture)
MIS340 with hollow shaft, seen from the front.

MIS340 with hollow shaft, seen from behind.

(download | view picture)
(download | view picture)
MIS340 with hollow shaft.

MIS340 interface.

(download | view picture)
(download | view picture)
MIS340 painted black (C17).

MIS340 painted black (C17).

(download | view picture)
(download | view picture)
MIS340 double shaft.

MIS340 painted black (C17).
(download | view picture)
(download | view picture)

For information about the product click here.

MIS340-MIS342 in IP65 version with special painting and stainless steel shaft.
Several MIS340 in a machine with profinet connection.

MIS340 mounted in machine for automatic adjustment.
Picture of MIS340 with 90 degree angled M12 connectors.

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