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Wireless Modules ( Obsolete )

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Wireless motor communications - it really makes sense!
We Humans mostly move around freely and use wireless communications like speech and sight!
We wouldn’t want to be wired up. How about using electrical motors in a similar way?
JVL offer a range of wireless interface modules for the MAC series of advanced servo motors. For many applications, wireless communications is superior to cabled solutions.
Read more about wireless communication here.
At the moment 3 different wireless modules are available for the integrated MAC motors.
A Bluetooth module, a WLAN module and an IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee module. For your selection use the chart below.
Wireless modules for JVL MAC servo motors

Bluetooth WLAN ZigBee Serial port on 802.15.4
Hardware MAC00-FB4 MAC00-EW4 MAC00-FZ4 MAC00-FZ4
Security High
Very High,
Medium to high Medium
IT support needed No Yes No No
Antenna External External External External
Output Power 17dBm 20dBm 3dBm 3dBm
Range free air 150m 450m 400m 2) 400m 2)
Address Range Max. 7 2^24-2 65535
1 at a time selectable
among 16 millions.
Nodes on access
Max. 7 Max. 16.777.214 Max. 65530
1 at a time selectable
among 16 millions.
Max. Baudrate 921.6Kbit 2.7Mbit 25Kbit 57.6Kbit
Software Option
Point to multipoint.
Point to multipoint.
Platform for
customer developed
Point to point 0.5 sec.
switch time.
Platform for customer
developed applications

1) You can have many access points and thereby have up to 65535 units.
2) With a good master antenna and line of sight.

JVL A/S Bregnerødvej 127 DK-3460 Birkerød Denmark
Tel: +45 4582 4440 Fax: +45 4582 5550 E-mail:
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