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What does "Resyncronize position after passive mode" mean and do?
What does "Resyncronize position after passive mode" mean and do ?
If this is marked, the automatic resyncronizing is made when the motor goes from passive to position mode.
( Register 36, bit 9 - AUTO_RESYNC )
Example and descripton:
    If the motor are stopped in a certain position and the
    motor is set to passive mode and turned a certain
    distance in pasiive mode, the motor will turn back to the
    position before passive mode when it's put into position
    mode again.
    ( The motor moves )
No resyncronizing:
   If the motor are stopped in a certain position and the
   motor is set to passive mode and turned a certain
   distance in passive mode, the motor wil stay in this position
   when the motor is set to position mode again.
   ( The motor doesn't move )
This resyncronizing can also be made manually by
setting bit 10 in register 36 - MAN_RESYNC.
This is oftne used together with register P_NEW to set the
motor in a certain position.

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