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How is the serial communication to the MAC motors made ?
How is the serial communication to the MAC motors made ?
To communicate with MAC motors there are several ways of doing this.
The normal way of communication from MacTalk and MacRegIO is through RS232/485.
( The small white connector )
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
RS232 communication:
When parameters are saved in a file, they can be read directly and used by a second program.
The cautionary comments are just to inform, that when the filter parameters are changed on the fly, it may give a strange behavior if the motor is in an active mode or even damage the motor, why it has to be done in passive mode.
There are several ways to find out how parameters can be sent to the motors.
In chapter 5.10.2 the communication are described in the User Manual.
In chapter 5.1. in the Technical Manual for MAC050-141 there are some more description.
Try to use the MacRegIO and see which commands to use when sending parameters to the motor and how to save in flash.
- Send all parameters.
- Go to Safe Mode
- Save in flash.
The motor is ready.
Use the OCX-driver. can be used with LabView and similar programs. 
RS422 for internal communication:

The EWx, FBx, FCx, FDx, FPx, FSx and Rx is communicating through RS422.
Remember to set the "IO type" to "Serial data".
( The 8 pin brown connector )

The Protocols are called FlexMac and FastMac.
FlexMax is normally the one to use, but sometimes a fast reaction is needed. Then FastMac is used, because it is only one byte that has to be sent.

In the Technical Manual for MAC050 - MAC141 the different communication forms are described more detailed.


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