import serial import sys import time import numpy as np import math from raex.device.challenge import AbstractChallengeWrapper, DummyChallengeWrapper """ Contact Technical Questions Christian Peitzmeyer 02942 7998244 Manual: """ class JvlControl(AbstractChallengeWrapper): def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Initialize motors. Example call: jvlcontrol_options = {'com_port': 'COM6', 'name': "Motors", 'move_shortest': False, 'motor_addresses': [1,2,3,4], 'home': [False] * 4, 'max_velocity': 3000, 'acceleration': 5000, 'deceleration': 5000} motors = JvlControl(**jvlcontrol_options) All connected motors are addressable under the same com_port, distinguishable by their addresses :param kwargs: com_port, name (some name), move_shortest (if rotation should take place in 360°), motor_addresses (addresses of motors connected via BUS), max_velocity, acceleration, deceleration, home (motors to home when init) :type kwargs: com_port: string, name: string, move_shortest: boolean, motor_addresses: list, max_velocity: int, acceleration: int, deceleration: int, home: list of bool """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.ser = None self.sleep_after_write = 0.05 self.open_serial_connection(kwargs["com_port"]) self.motor_addresses = kwargs["motor_addresses"] = kwargs["name"] self.max_velocity = kwargs["max_velocity"] self.acceleration = kwargs["acceleration"] self.deceleration = kwargs["deceleration"] self.set_current_mode(255, "position") self.force_acknowledgement = False self.shortest = kwargs["move_shortest"] self.to_home = kwargs["home"] self.init_homing() def __del__(self): self.close_serial_connection() def tohex(self, val: int) -> str: """ Takes an integer and converts it into a 32 bit hex string. For example (10)_base10 -> (0000000a)_base16 :param val: input value to convert, max val 0xFFFFFFFF :type val: integer :return: 32 bit hex string :rtype: hex string """ nbits = 32 if val < 0: return self.tohex2scomplement(abs(val)) if val < -2**31 or val > 2**31-1: raise Exception(f"Input: {val} out of 32 bit range: [-2^31,2^31-1].") tmp = hex((val + (1 << nbits)) % (1 << nbits)) return "{0:0>8}".format(tmp[2:]) def tohex2scomplement(self, val: int) -> str: """ Takes an integer and converts it into its two's complement hex representation. For example (10)_base10 -> (f6)_base16 :param val: input value to convert, either positive or negative :type val: integer :return: hex string """ binary_string = "{0:032b}".format(val) twos_complement = self.findTwoscomplement(binary_string) integer = int(twos_complement, 2) hexadecimal = hex(integer) # verify = self.twos_complement(hexadecimal, 32) return hexadecimal[2:] @staticmethod def findTwoscomplement(string: str) -> str: """ Calculates the two's complement of an hex string :param string: value to convert :type string: string :return: two's complement as string """ n = len(string) i = n - 1 while (i >= 0): if (string[i] == '1'): break i -= 1 if (i == -1): return '1' + string k = i - 1 while (k >= 0): if (string[k] == '1'): string = list(string) string[k] = '0' string = ''.join(string) else: string = list(string) string[k] = '1' string = ''.join(string) k -= 1 return string @staticmethod def twos_complement(hexstr, bits): value = int(hexstr, 16) if value & (1 << (bits - 1)): value -= 1 << bits return value @staticmethod def toint(val: str) -> int: """ Takes a 32 bit hex value and converts it into an integer. For example (0000000a)_base16 -> (10)_base10 :param val: input string to convert, max value "FFFFFFFF" :type val: hex string :return: conversion :rtype: integer """ if len(val) > 8: raise Exception(f"Input: {val} out of 32 bit range: \"0xFFFFFFFF\".") tmp = bytes.fromhex(val) return int.from_bytes(tmp, byteorder='big', signed=True) def encode_address(self, address: int) -> str: """ Takes an address and returns it as string, together with its one's complement. For example 1 -> 01 FE :param address: address to convert, max value 255 :type address: integer :return: hex(address) and one's complement(address) :rtype: byte string """ if address > 255 or address < 0: raise Exception(f"Address value {address} out of range of allowed addresses [0,255].") if address != 255 and address not in self.motor_addresses: raise Exception(f"Motor address {address} not valid: {self.motor_addresses}.") return "{0:0>2} ".format(hex(address)[2:]) + "{0:0>2} ".format(hex(address ^ 0xff)[2:]) @staticmethod def command_to_bytes(command: str) -> bytes: """ Takes the whole command string and encodes it as bytes :param command: command to encode, example command: "52 52 52 01 fe 03 fc 04 fb 00 ff 00 ff 00 ff 00 ff aa aa" :type command: byte string :return: command as byte :rtype: byte """ command = command.split(" ") command = [int(i, 16) for i in command] return bytes(command) def get_response(self, bytes_to_read: int) -> str: """ Get response from motor (serial connection) after a command was send. :param bytes_to_read: number of bytes to read from serial connection :type bytes_to_read: integer :return: response from motor :rtype: hex string """ response = "" for i in range(bytes_to_read): byte = response += byte.hex() return response def get_acknowledgement(self) -> str: """ Checks if command reached the motors successfully. Motors will return "111111" if true. :return: "ACK" or "F" string """ response = self.get_response(3) if response == "111111": return "ACK" else: return "F" def encode_write(self, address: int, reg: str, value: int) -> bytes: """ Builds a string command with a given value, depending on which motor and register should be addressed :param address: motor that should be addressed :type address: integer :param reg: register to be written (see manual, 8.2 Internal Registers) :type reg: string :param value: value for that register :type value: int :return: command as string, for example: "52 52 52 01 fe 03 fc 04 fb 00 ff 00 ff 00 ff 00 ff aa aa" :rtype: byte string """ val = self.tohex(value) if reg == "P_SOLL": command_1 = "52 52 52 " + self.encode_address(address) + "03 fc 04 fb " elif reg == "V_SOLL": command_1 = "52 52 52 " + self.encode_address(address) + "05 fa 04 fb " elif reg == "A_SOLL": command_1 = "52 52 52 " + self.encode_address(address) + "06 f9 04 fb " elif reg == "D_SOLL": command_1 = "52 52 52 " + self.encode_address(address) + "ae 51 04 fb " elif reg == "AC_WIN": command_1 = "52 52 52 " + self.encode_address(address) + "21 de 04 fb " elif reg == "AC_ATP": command_1 = "52 52 52 " + self.encode_address(address) + "22 dd 04 fb " elif reg == "S_TIME": command_1 = "52 52 52 " + self.encode_address(address) + "6e 91 04 fb " elif reg == "CMMND": command_1 = "52 52 52 " + self.encode_address(address) + "18 e7 04 fb " elif reg == "SETUP": command_1 = "52 52 52 " + self.encode_address(address) + "7c 83 04 fb " elif reg == "ERROR": command_1 = "52 52 52 " + self.encode_address(address) + "23 dc 04 fb " elif reg == "BAUDR": command_1 = "52 52 52 " + self.encode_address(address) + "92 6d 04 fb " elif reg == "M_ADR": command_1 = "52 52 52 " + self.encode_address(address) + "96 69 04 fb " else: raise Exception(f"Register parameter: {reg} does not exist.") command_2 = val[6:8] + " {0:0>2} ".format(hex(int(val[6:8], 16) ^ 0xff)[2:]) + \ val[4:6] + " {0:0>2} ".format(hex(int(val[4:6], 16) ^ 0xff)[2:]) + \ val[2:4] + " {0:0>2} ".format(hex(int(val[2:4], 16) ^ 0xff)[2:]) + \ val[0:2] + " {0:0>2} ".format(hex(int(val[0:2], 16) ^ 0xff)[2:]) command_3 = "aa aa" command = self.command_to_bytes(command_1 + command_2 + command_3) return command def open_serial_connection(self, serial_port) -> str: """ Opens the serial connection to connect to the motors :param serial_port: Serial port to connect to e.g. "COM7" :return: string if okay """ self.ser = serial.Serial(serial_port, baudrate=19200, timeout=0.075, parity=serial.PARITY_NONE, bytesize=serial.EIGHTBITS, stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE, xonxoff=False) return "Opened" def close_serial_connection(self) -> str: """ Closes the serial connection to the motors :return: string if okay """ self.ser.close() return "Closed" def get_startup_mode(self, address: int) -> str: """ Returns the startup mode of a motor :param address: motor to get the startup mode from :type address: integer :return: startup mode as hex :rtype: string """ self.ser.flushInput() self.ser.flushOutput() command = "50 50 50 " + self.encode_address(address) + "25 da aa aa" self.ser.write(self.command_to_bytes(command)) return self.get_response(19)[18:20] def set_startup_mode(self, address: int, mode: str): """ Sets the startup mode of a motor to the given mode state, startup mode is the mode the motor is entering after power up :param address: motor to get startup mode from :type address: integer :param mode: the mode the motor should enter when powering up :type mode: string """ self.ser.flushInput() self.ser.flushOutput() if mode == "passive": command = "52 52 52 " + self.encode_address(address) + "25 da 02 fd 00 ff 00 ff aa aa" elif mode == "position": command = "52 52 52 " + self.encode_address(address) + "25 da 02 fd 02 fd 00 ff aa aa" elif mode == "stop": command = "52 52 52 " + self.encode_address(address) + "25 da 02 fd 0b f4 00 ff aa aa" else: raise Exception(f"Mode parameter {mode} does not exist.") self.ser.write(self.command_to_bytes(command)) if self.get_acknowledgement() == "F": self.set_startup_mode(address, mode) def get_current_mode(self, address: int) -> str: """ Returns the current mode of a motor. For example: - Mode 0: 00 ff 00 ff (Passive) - Mode 2: 02 fd 00 ff (Position) - Mode 11: 0b f4 00 ff (Stop) :param address: motor to get the current mode from :type address: integer :return: current mode as hex :rtype: string """ self.ser.flushInput() self.ser.flushOutput() command = "50 50 50 " + self.encode_address(address) + "02 fd aa aa" self.ser.write(self.command_to_bytes(command)) return self.get_response(19)[18:20] def set_current_mode(self, address: int, mode: str): """ Sets the current mode of a motor to the given mode state, current mode is the mode the motor is currently in :param address: motor to set current mode to :type address: integer :param mode: the mode the motor should enter for operation :type mode: string """ self.ser.flushInput() self.ser.flushOutput() if mode == "passive": command = "52 52 52 " + self.encode_address(address) + "02 fd 02 fd 00 ff 00 ff aa aa" elif mode == "position": command = "52 52 52 " + self.encode_address(address) + "02 fd 02 fd 02 fd 00 ff aa aa" elif mode == "stop": command = "52 52 52 " + self.encode_address(address) + "02 fd 02 fd 0b f4 00 ff aa aa" else: raise Exception(f"Mode parameter {mode} does not exist.") self.ser.write(self.command_to_bytes(command)) if self.get_acknowledgement() == "F": self.set_current_mode(address, mode) def get_max_velocity(self, address: int) -> int: """ Returns the current velocity setting of the motor :param address: motor to get current velocity setting from :type address: integer :return: velocity :rtype: integer """ self.ser.flushInput() self.ser.flushOutput() command = "50 50 50 " + self.encode_address(address) + "05 fa aa aa" self.ser.write(self.command_to_bytes(command)) response = self.get_response(19) return int(self.toint(response[30:32] + response[26:28] + response[22:24] + response[18:20]) / 100) def set_max_velocity(self, address: int, velocity: int): """ Sets the maximum possible velocity of a motor to the given value. Allowed value range is -3000 - 3000 :param address: motor to set velocity to :type address: integer :param velocity: the velocity the motor should be set to :type velocity: integer """ # -3000 - 3000 RPM self.ser.flushInput() self.ser.flushOutput() if velocity <= -3000 or velocity > 3000: raise Exception(f"Velocity value {velocity} out of range: [-3000,3000].") command = self.encode_write(address, "V_SOLL", velocity*100) self.ser.write(command) if self.get_acknowledgement() == "F": self.set_max_velocity(address, velocity) def get_acceleration(self, address: int) -> int: """ Returns the current acceleration setting of the motor :param address: motor to get current acceleration setting from :type address: integer :return: acceleration :rtype: integer """ self.ser.flushInput() self.ser.flushOutput() command = "50 50 50 " + self.encode_address(address) + "06 f9 aa aa" self.ser.write(self.command_to_bytes(command)) response = self.get_response(19) return int(self.toint(response[30:32] + response[26:28] + response[22:24] + response[18:20])) def set_acceleration(self, address: int, acceleration: int): """ Sets the acceleration of a motor to the given value. Allowed value range is 0 - 5000 :param address: motor to set velocity to :type address: integer :param acceleration: the acceleration the motor should be set to :type acceleration: integer """ # 0 - 5000 self.ser.flushInput() self.ser.flushOutput() if 0 <= acceleration > 5000: raise Exception(f"Accerleration value {acceleration} out of range: [0,5000].") command = self.encode_write(address, "A_SOLL", acceleration) self.ser.write(command) if self.get_acknowledgement() == "F": self.set_acceleration(address, acceleration) def get_deceleration(self, address: int): """ Returns the current deceleration setting of the motor :param address: motor to get current deceleration setting from :type address: integer :return: deceleration :rtype: integer """ self.ser.flushInput() self.ser.flushOutput() command = "50 50 50 " + self.encode_address(address) + "ae 51 aa aa" self.ser.write(self.command_to_bytes(command)) response = self.get_response(19) return int(self.toint(response[30:32] + response[26:28] + response[22:24] + response[18:20])) def set_deceleration(self, address: int, deceleration: int): """ Sets the deceleration of a motor to the given value. Allowed value range is 0 - 5000, if = 0: acceleration is used for deceleration :param address: motor to set velocity to :type address: integer :param deceleration: the deceleration the motor should be set to :type deceleration: integer """ # 0 - 5.000 if = 0 -> acceleration is used for deceleration self.ser.flushInput() self.ser.flushOutput() if 0 <= deceleration > 5000: raise Exception(f"Decerleration value {deceleration} out of range: [0,5000].") command = self.encode_write(address, "D_SOLL", deceleration) self.ser.write(command) if self.get_acknowledgement() == "F": self.set_deceleration(address, deceleration) def get_current_position(self, address: int) -> list: """ Returns the current position of either one motor or all motors of the system :param address: motor to get current position from. 0-254 for one motor, 255 for all motors :type address: integer :return: position as list of integers :rtype: list """ self.ser.flushInput() self.ser.flushOutput() if address == 255: position_ist = [0xffffffff] * len(self.motor_addresses) motor = 0 for address in self.motor_addresses: command = "50 50 50 " + self.encode_address(address) + "0a f5 aa aa" self.ser.write(self.command_to_bytes(command)) response = self.get_response(19) position_ist[motor] = self.toint(response[30:32] + response[26:28] + response[22:24] + response[18:20]) motor += 1 else: command = "50 50 50 " + self.encode_address(address) + "0a f5 aa aa" self.ser.write(self.command_to_bytes(command)) # print(f'time send<->received: {time.time() - start}') position_ist = 0xffffffff response = self.get_response(19) position_ist = self.toint(response[30:32] + response[26:28] + response[22:24] + response[18:20]) return position_ist def move_to_position(self, address: int, position: int): """ Requested position a motor should move to. Valid value range is from -2^31-1 to 2^31 (-2147483649 to 2147483648) :param address: motor to position to :type address: integer :param position: the requested motor position :type deceleration: integer """ # range from -2^31-1 to 2^31 (-2147483649 to 2147483648) self.ser.flushInput() self.ser.flushOutput() if position < -2147483649 or position > 2147483648: raise Exception("Position out of Interger Range") command = self.encode_write(address, "P_SOLL", position) self.ser.write(command) if self.get_acknowledgement() == "F": self.move_to_position(address, position) def move_shortest_path(self, address: int, position: int): """ Requested position a motor should move to. Here, the motor move within 360 degree choosing the shortest path to reach the requested position itself :param address: motor to position to :type address: integer :param position: the requested motor position :type deceleration: integer """ self.ser.flushInput() self.ser.flushOutput() origin = self.get_current_position(address) if origin > position: rawDiff = origin - position else: rawDiff = position - origin modDiff = rawDiff % 409600 if (modDiff > 409600 / 2): signedDiff = 409600 - modDiff if (position > origin): signedDiff = signedDiff * (-1) else: signedDiff = modDiff if (origin > position): signedDiff = signedDiff * (-1) command = self.encode_write(address, "P_SOLL", origin + signedDiff) self.ser.write(command) if self.get_acknowledgement() == "F": self.move_shortest_path(address, position) def set_challenge(self, challenge): """ Setting a challenge to all motors used within the system (controlled via self.motor_addresses) :param challenge: positions the motors should move to :type challenge: list of integers :return: 'OK' if positions are reached successfully :rtype: string """ motor = 0 if self.shortest == True: for address in self.motor_addresses: self.move_shortest_path(address, challenge[motor]) motor += 1 while True: positions = [self.get_current_position(255)[i] % 409600 for i in range(len(self.motor_addresses))] # print(positions) if positions == challenge: break else: for address in self.motor_addresses: self.move_to_position(address, challenge[motor]) motor += 1 while True: positions = self.get_current_position(255) # print(positions) if positions == challenge: break return 'OK' def create_random_challenges(self, number_of_challenges, steps_circle=None, rng=None, **kwargs): """ Creates random challenge positions for the number of motors used within the setup :param number_of_challenges: number of challenges to generate :type number_of_challenges: integer :param steps_circle: the resolution of the challenges, e.g. 360 would create the motor postions in such way that each position equals a 1 degree step :type steps_circle: integer :param rng: which random number generator to use :param kwargs: unused :return: challenge positions for each motor :rtype: list of list of integers """ if rng is None: rng = np.random.default_rng() if steps_circle != None: step_positions = [int(i) for i in np.linspace(0,409600, num=steps_circle, endpoint=True)] return rng.choice(step_positions, (number_of_challenges, len(self.motor_addresses))).tolist() else: return rng.integers(0, 409600, size=(number_of_challenges, len(self.motor_addresses))).tolist() def init_homing(self): """ Homes all motors of the system to the zero position """ store_shortest = self.shortest self.shortest = False self.set_max_velocity(255, 1000) self.set_acceleration(255, 500) self.set_deceleration(255, 500) motor = 0 for home in self.to_home: if home: self.to_home[motor] = 0 else: self.to_home[motor] = self.get_current_position(self.motor_addresses[motor]) motor += 1 self.set_challenge(self.to_home) self.set_max_velocity(255, self.max_velocity) self.set_acceleration(255, self.acceleration) self.set_deceleration(255, self.deceleration) self.shortest = store_shortest def get_autocorrection_window(self, address: int) -> int: """ Returns the current autocorrection window setting of the motor aka the error tolerance in steps where no position correction is done :param address: motor to get current autocorrection window setting from :type address: integer :return: auto correction window :rtype: integer """ self.ser.flushInput() self.ser.flushOutput() command = "50 50 50 " + self.encode_address(address) + "21 de aa aa" self.ser.write(self.command_to_bytes(command)) response = self.get_response(19) return int(self.toint(response[30:32] + response[26:28] + response[22:24] + response[18:20])) def set_autocorrection_window(self, address: int, window: int): """ Sets the autocorrection window of a motor to the given value. Allowed value range is 0 - 2^31-1 :param address: motor to set autocorrection window to :type address: integer :param window: the autocorrection window the motor should be set to :type window: integer """ # in range 0 - 2^31-1 self.ser.flushInput() self.ser.flushOutput() if window < 0 or window > (2**31-1): raise Exception("Autocorrection Value Out of Range, 0 to 2**31-1") command = self.encode_write(address, "AC_WIN", window) self.ser.write(command) if self.get_acknowledgement() == "F": self.set_autocorrection_window(address, window) def get_autocorrection_attempts(self, address: int) -> int: """ Returns the current autocorrection attempts setting of the motor aka how often the motor tries to reach a position if the autocorrection windows is exceeded :param address: motor to get current autocorrection attempts setting from :type address: integer :return: autocorrection attempts :rtype: integer """ self.ser.flushInput() self.ser.flushOutput() command = "50 50 50 " + self.encode_address(address) + "22 dd aa aa" self.ser.write(self.command_to_bytes(command)) response = self.get_response(19) return int(self.toint(response[30:32] + response[26:28] + response[22:24] + response[18:20])) def set_autocorrection_attempts(self, address: int, attemps: int): """ Sets the autocorrection attempts of a motor to the given value. Allowed value range is 0 - 100 :param address: motor to set autocorrection attempts to :type address: integer :param attemps: the autocorrection attempts the motor should be set to :type attemps: integer """ # in range 0 - 100 self.ser.flushInput() self.ser.flushOutput() if attemps < 0 or attemps > 100: raise Exception("Attempts Value Out of Range, 0 to 100") command = self.encode_write(address, "AC_ATP", attemps) self.ser.write(command) if self.get_acknowledgement() == "F": self.set_autocorrection_attempts(address, attemps) def get_settling_time(self, address: int) -> int: """ Returns the current settling time setting of the motor aka long the motor will wait until a new autocorrection attempt is performed :param address: motor to get current settling time setting from :type address: integer :return: settling time :rtype: integer """ self.ser.flushInput() self.ser.flushOutput() command = "50 50 50 " + self.encode_address(address) + "6e 91 aa aa" self.ser.write(self.command_to_bytes(command)) response = self.get_response(19) return int(self.toint(response[30:32] + response[26:28] + response[22:24] + response[18:20])) def set_settling_time(self, address: int, milliseconds: int): """ Sets the settling time of a motor to the given value. Allowed value range is 0 - 32676 ms :param address: motor to set settling time to :type address: integer :param milliseconds: the settling time the motor should be set to :type milliseconds: integer """ # in range 0 - 32676 ms self.ser.flushInput() self.ser.flushOutput() if milliseconds < 0 or milliseconds > 32676: raise Exception("Milliseconds Value Out of Range, 0 to 32676") command = self.encode_write(address, "S_TIME", milliseconds) self.ser.write(command) if self.get_acknowledgement() == "F": self.set_settling_time(address, milliseconds) def save_in_flash_reset(self, address: int): """ Saves the current motor settings in the flash memory of the specified motor to retain them after a power down Note, that uncontrolled loops can exceed the max R/W operations for the flash memory and therefore damage the memory The motor will restart :param address: motor to reconfigure flash """ self.ser.flushInput() self.ser.flushOutput() command = self.encode_write(address, "CMMND", 268) self.ser.write(command) self.__del__() def get_setup_bits(self, address: int) -> str: """ Returns all user command bits :param address: motor to get current user command bits from :type address: integer :return: user command bits :rtype: string """ self.ser.flushInput() self.ser.flushOutput() command = "50 50 50 " + self.encode_address(address) + "7c 83 aa aa" self.ser.write(self.command_to_bytes(command)) response = self.get_response(19) return "{0:b}".format(int(self.toint(response[30:32] + response[26:28] + response[22:24] + response[18:20]))) def get_setup_bit(self, address: int, bit_position: int) -> int: """ Returns one user command bit, valid bit range 0 - 31 :param address: motor to get user command bit from :type address: integer :param bit_position: bit position of register to read :type bit_position: integer :return: user command bit :rtype: integer """ if bit_position < 0 or bit_position >= 32: raise Exception( f"Bit postion {bit_position} not valid: valid range is 0 - 31") bits = self.get_setup_bits(address) return int(bits[bit_position]) def set_setup_bit(self, address: int, bit_position: int): """ Sets a bit of the user command register of a motor. Allowed bit value range is 0 - 31. If bit is 0 and gets set => 1, if bit is 1 and gets set => 0 :param address: motor to set autocorrection attempts to :type address: integer :param bit_position: bit position of register to set :type bit_position: integer """ self.ser.flushInput() self.ser.flushOutput() if bit_position < 0 or bit_position >= 32: raise Exception( f"Bit postion {bit_position} not valid: valid range is 0 - 31") command = self.encode_write(address, "SETUP", int(self.get_setup_bits(address)) ^ (1 << bit_position)) self.ser.write(command) if self.get_acknowledgement() == "F": self.set_setup_bit(address, bit_position) def get_error_bits(self, address: int) -> (str, list): """ Returns all user command bits :param address: motor to get current error bits from :type address: integer :return: error bits, none-zero bits :rtype: string, list of integers """ # Bit 0: General error(always set together with another error bit) # Bit 1: Follow error # Bit 2: Output driver # Bit 3: Position Limit # Bit 4: Low bus voltage # Bit 5: Over voltage # Bit 6: Temperature > 90 °C # Bit 7: Internal(Self diagnostics failed) # Bit 8: Absolute multiturn encoder lost position # Bit 9: Absolute multiturn encoder sensor counting # Bit 10: No communication to absolute multiturn encoder # Bit 11: SSI encoder counting # Bit 12: Closed loop # Bit 13: External memory # Bit 14: Absolute single turn encoder # Bit 16: Zero search timeout # Bit 17: CVI unstable # Bit 18: Motor driver overload # Bit 27: Safe Torque Off(STO) self.ser.flushInput() self.ser.flushOutput() command = "50 50 50 " + self.encode_address(address) + "23 dc aa aa" self.ser.write(self.command_to_bytes(command)) response = self.get_response(19) response = "{0:b}".format(int(self.toint(response[30:32] + response[26:28] + response[22:24] + response[18:20]))) bits_set = [] for bit in range(len(response)): if response[bit] == '1': bits_set.append(bit) return response, bits_set def get_error_bit(self, address: int, bit_position: int) -> int: """ Returns one error bit, valid bit range 0 - 31 :param address: motor to get error bit from :type address: integer :param bit_position: bit position of register to read :type bit_position: integer :return: error bit :rtype: integer """ if bit_position < 0 or bit_position >= 32: raise Exception( f"Bit postion {bit_position} not valid: valid range is 0 - 31") bits = self.get_error_bits(address)[0] return int(bits[bit_position]) def clear_errors(self, address: int): """ Clear the whole error register aka clear all errors from a motor :param address: motor address to clear errors from :type address: integer """ self.ser.flushInput() self.ser.flushOutput() command = self.encode_write(address, "CMMND", 354) self.ser.write(command) if self.get_acknowledgement() == "F": self.clear_errors(address) command = self.encode_write(address, "ERROR", 0) self.ser.write(command) if self.get_acknowledgement() == "F": self.clear_errors(address) def get_baud_rate(self, address: int) -> int: """ Returns the current baud rate setting of the motor :param address: motor to get current baud rate setting from :type address: integer :return: baud rate :rtype: integer """ self.ser.flushInput() self.ser.flushOutput() command = "50 50 50 " + self.encode_address(address) + "92 6d aa aa" self.ser.write(self.command_to_bytes(command)) response = self.get_response(19) return int(self.toint(response[30:32] + response[26:28] + response[22:24] + response[18:20])) def set_baud_rate(self, address: int, baud_rate: int): """ Sets the baud rate of a motor to the given value. Allowed value range is 0 - 7 :param address: motor to set settling time to :type address: integer :param baud_rate: the baud rate the motor should be set to :type baud_rate: integer """ # 0: 9600 # 1: 19200 (default) # 2: 38400 # 3: 57600 # 4: 115200 # 5: 230400 # 6: 460800 # 7: 921600 self.ser.flushInput() self.ser.flushOutput() if baud_rate not in range(0, 8): raise Exception(f"Baud rate {baud_rate} not valid: 0: 9600, 1: 19200, 2: 38400, 3: 57600, 4: 115200, 5: 230400, 6: 460800, 7: 921600") command = self.encode_write(address, "BAUDR", baud_rate) self.ser.write(command) if self.get_acknowledgement() == "F": self.set_baud_rate(address, baud_rate) def get_motor_address(self, address: int): """ Returns the motor address of the motor :param address: motor to get motor address from :type address: integer :return: motor address :rtype: integer """ self.ser.flushInput() self.ser.flushOutput() command = "50 50 50 " + self.encode_address(address) + "96 69 aa aa" self.ser.write(self.command_to_bytes(command)) response = self.get_response(19) return int(self.toint(response[30:32] + response[26:28] + response[22:24] + response[18:20])) def set_motor_address(self, address, new_address): """ Sets the address of a motor to the given value. Allowed value range is 0 - 254 :param address: motor to set settling time to :type address: integer :param new_address: the new address the motor should be set to :type new_address: integer """ self.ser.flushInput() self.ser.flushOutput() if address == 255 or new_address == 255: raise Exception("Broadcast not possible.") if new_address < 0 or new_address >= 255: raise Exception( f"New address {new_address} not valid: valid range is 0 - 254") command = self.encode_write(address, "M_ADR", new_address) self.ser.write(command) if self.get_acknowledgement() == "F": self.set_motor_address(address, new_address) ### not evaluated ### # def stop_motor(self, address: int) -> int: # command = b'\x61\x61\x61\xff\x00\x01\xfe\x02\xfd\xaa\xaa' #stop # self.ser.write(command) # command = b'\x52\x52\x52\xff\x00\x02\xfd\x02\xfd\x00\xff\x00\xff\xaa\xaa' #stop # self.ser.write(command) # return 0