Sizeware WEB calculator
This is a help and instruction page, to the JVL motor size calculator: SizeWare.
Sizeware require the cookie function to be enabled, to be able to return the correct data the users. So You must enable cookies to be able to use Sizeware

Inputting values and unit.
Working with this You have to supply Your own values for the calculation. You may enter values in most suitable unit, which You may select in the field following the value field.
You may enter a full site, and then go to the next, using the buttons below in the left side.
When changing to next page values will be saved.

Notice saved values will always reappear in the converted to the default unit of sizeware
Example: input a distance in ft (feet) "1ft" after Back or Next it will be exposed as "mm"

If You have other problems or comments using this calculator please contact JVL per e-mail.